Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year!
I look forward to seeing the majority of our students back on campus in a few weeks. We will be practicing the same policies and procedures that we followed in the spring, details will be forthcoming next week as a reminder. Lunch will be outside; I will be looking for a few VACCINATED parent volunteers to assist with supervision.
Please think about what you can do to make your child's return to school a good one. Please make sure that they can put their mask on unassisted (assuming that they will be removing it for water and eating) and that they can leave it on for the entire day.
Facilitron Survey/QR Code will be used again. It will be the same link and QR code as last year, but new copies will be sent home before the school year starts.
ALL families MUST complete the Facilitron survey BEFORE arriving at school. Please make sure to use your CHILD's NAME to fill out the form. I will be running a report to make sure we have compliance. Remember, the survey is for tracking in order to provide a safe campus.
Speaking of safe campuses, I have attached the District guidelines for reopening schools as well as the Independent Study FAQs.
Drop off and pick up directions will be sent out next week.
Ms. Hennessy
SBPSD- COVID-19 Safety Plan 2021-2022